Contractions Examples Sentences

Contractions are a common aspect of the English language, and they are often used in everyday conversation and writing. A contraction is a shortened form of two words that are combined with an apostrophe. For example, „do not“ becomes „don`t“ in a contraction.

Using contractions in writing can make the text appear more conversational and friendly, and it can also help reduce word count. In addition, contractions often sound more natural than using the full form of a word, which can make the writing flow more smoothly.

Here are some examples of contractions in sentences:

1. „I haven`t seen you in a while.“ (Haven`t – contraction of „have not“)

2. „She`ll be back in a minute.“ (She`ll – contraction of „she will“)

3. „We`re going to the beach this weekend.“ (We`re – contraction of „we are“)

4. „It`s raining outside.“ (It`s – contraction of „it is“)

5. „They`re going to the movies tonight.“ (They`re – contraction of „they are“)

6. „I can`t believe he did that.“ (Can`t – contraction of „cannot“)

7. „He won`t be able to come to the party.“ (Won`t – contraction of „will not“)

8. „You`re the best thing that ever happened to me.“ (You`re – contraction of „you are“)

9. „Who`s going to pick up the kids from school?“ (Who`s – contraction of „who is“)

10. „I`d like a slice of cake, please.“ (I`d – contraction of „I would“)

It`s important to note that while contractions are commonly used in spoken English and informal writing, they are not always appropriate in formal writing, such as academic papers or professional emails. In these situations, it`s best to use the full form of a word to avoid sounding too informal.

In conclusion, contractions are a useful tool for making writing sound more natural and friendly. When used appropriately, they can make the text easier to read and improve the overall flow of the writing. By incorporating contractions into your writing, you can add a conversational tone that can engage readers and make your content more relatable.